... Andy Montroll (40); April Cornell (2); Armenia (16); BBQ (10); Ben Pacy (14); Bernie Sanders (66); Bob Kiss (47); Breaking News (74); Burlington Telecom (94); BurlingtonPol TV (6); Carina Driscoll (5); CEDO (5); Charity Tensel (26); City Council (95); Dan Smith (2); Dave Hartnett (2); David Berezniak (6); David Cain (27) .... Hinda Miller and Joanna Cole ? Kathy Bonilla ? Charity Tensel 2003 Blast! Thom Fleury 1992 ? That Paper Blast! Burlington Vermont Real Estate ...
I hadn't been to New York in three years, and I hadn't really had a vacation in six, unless you want to count that week in Armenia last summer, three days of which I spent in the air. That was more a pilgrimage than a vacation. ...
Mean, body guards of ongoing piggy faces from Strasburg and Brussels, cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, and of course the English speaking World) at one side, and at the another, a huge hole in Berezniaki, Ural Mountains in Russia. ...